I Have Returned

Hello!!!! Wowza, it's been an awfully long time, has it not? I am terribly sorry for my lack of posting, but I came back from Storey Arms last Friday, then Saturday had Stage Centre, Sunday had my LAMDA Exam (think it went okay...) and obviously school's been happening and I've done a lot after school as well, so I've been a busy person! I thought I'd come back with a bang, so here is...
The Liebster Award!! *cheers*
I saw this on my friend Bethan's blog (check her out here) and it looked really fun and cool! Now, I wasn't tagged by anyone, but oh well!! Beth, I hope you don't mind that I used the questions you asked haha...

- Post eleven facts about yourself.
- Answer the eleven questions provided by the person who nominated you and then create an eleven-question set for the next group of nominees.
- Choose eleven people to nominate and link them in the post.
- Let your nominees know they've been tagged.

Bethan's Questions:

1. What colour are your eyes and what colour is your hair?
Ummm, well I'm not entirely sure what colour my eyes are because everyone says something different! Most people say they're a mixture of brown and green, but other's say they're just brown...so I'm going to go with hazel, because that's a mixture of brown and green! And my hair is pretty much brown, but it has natural blonde highlight's which is pretty cool! It goes darker in the winter and lighter in the summer.

2. Which author would you like to collaborate with on a book?
Oh wow... That's difficult!!! I would probably have to say John Green (obviously) or Eleanor Catton! There are many author's I would like to collaborate with, but they would probably be my main two choices.

3. Who is your fictional boyfriend?
Is it okay to have more than one? If it is then Augustus Waters, Isaac (TFIOS), Perry (Under the Never Sky) and Percy Jackson.

4. Do you like floral print?
I don't dislike it, but it's not something I would choose to have around my bedroom or anything. I'm not that kind of girl. Although, I do like floral print clothing!

5. If you could have dinner with 10 fictional characters (films, TV shows, books, any fictional character) who would you choose?
Right, well: Augustus Waters, Alaska Young, Tris, Hugo Cabret (from the film Hugo), Captain Jack Sparrow, Four, Katniss Everdeen, Percy Jackson, Hazel Lancaster and Lena Duchannes (The Caster Chronicles).

6. What is one of your favourite songs at the moment?
My favourite songs never really change because I'm not that into the music in the charts... I have many favourite songs: All I Want (Kodaline), Love Like This (Kodaline), Brand New Day (Kodlaine), Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen), Let Me In (Grouplove), Oblivion (Indians), Boom Clap (Charli XCX) and All of the Stars (Ed Sheeran). But, considering it's summertime, and I have to pick one song, it would probably be Way Back When by Kodaline. Mainly because it reminds me of summer, haha.

7. Are you going on holiday this summer? If you are, where are you going?
Sadly, I'm not going on holiday this summer :( We were going to go to Portugal, but my mum and step-dad are getting married next year, so they had to save a lot of money for that. Although, in February this year, I did go skiing to America with my school, and then went shopping in New York! I'm not going abroad, but I am going to places in England.

8. Which social media site do you use the most?
Instagram. Definitely Instagram. I am on it like every two seconds to see if anyone has posted anything new. I'm addicted...

9. What are your hopes and dreams?
I'm not entirely sure. I don't think about stuff like this a lot. I guess my dream would to one day perform on Broadway or the West End. But other than that, I don't really know my hopes and dreams. Definitely something to think about.

10. Would you rather read inside or outside?
I like both! Most of the time I read inside because I get bitten A LOT when I go outside, but I would love to read outside more. I like my sunlight.

11. What book have you read that had a really great message? What was the message?
Oh wow... Um... I'm not really sure if I've read a book with a great message, but I guess one with a message. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green sent me a message. As the book is about gay people, the main character's best friend, Tiny Cooper, sort of taught me to not care what other people think. And I know that's a bit of a cliché message to send out, but Tiny really believed in himself throughout the book, which was beautiful.

Okay, now for the facts! Be prepared for my extremely interesting life (sarcasm).

1.  I like performing. A lot. I have been acting for 8 years and have loved every second of it. Acting has made me a stronger person, I gained my self confidence at a young age through acting. Since I joined Stage Centre, I have developed my performing skills by adding dancing. I used to only do singing and acting. But being able to do all three has made performances so much more enjoyable. I've done quite a few shows and have loved every single one of them. I really hope to carry on performing throughout the rest of my life, I love it so much. Theatre is a part of me (deep stuff).

I have been with my boyfriend, Edward Bowman, for 1 year and 8 months today!! I cannot explain how much I love him. He's always been there for me when I need him, and every moment I spend with him is just perfect. I don't want this to be too long or cheesy, but I just love him so much. I always have and always will.

3. I have two dogs, called Angus and Rosie! They are both labradoodles, and are both extremely cute! Rosie is 7 and Angus is 3. I love them so much! I also have a cat at my dad's house, called Lily. Her name is short for Tiger Lily. I can remember the day we got her and when I named her :)

4. I have quite a confusing family... I won't go into detail because it always confuses people. Plus, it's difficult to explain in person, which means it'll be even more difficult to explain online... But although my family is quite extended, I love each and every member of it. I may not see many of them a lot, but when I do, I love it :) Some of my family are in England, some in Slovakia and some in Canada. So yeah.

5. My favourite season is summer. A lot of people don't like summer because of the weather, but personally, I love it. I love the way the sun doesn't set until like 10 in the evening, I love the way that there are so many things to do and I just generally love everything about summer! I do also like winter as well! Winter is my second favourite, but summer is my ultimate.

6. I love Harry Potter. Love it, love it, love it. I love everything about it! I think the books were incredibly well written, I think the films were perfect in the way that all the actors suited their parts. I own a good amount of Harry Potter stuff, which is decorated all around my room! Harry Potter is my main fandom. I think the whole thing is amazing, and it means so much to me. Although I didn't read the books when they first came out, or didn't see the films when they first came out, I still am a Potterhead. Harry Potter has been, and always will be my weakness.

7. I am an extremely emotional person, haha. I will cry at the stupidest things, it's crazy. I cry at books, films, music videos, real life situations, but most of the time it's just about nothing. I'm strange like that...


9. Tomorrow is my last day of school! Today I had my last ever art lesson, yes... Yesterday I had my last ever history and German lesson which I was also very excited about! Tomorrow will be my last home economics lesson! And the next year, in year 10, my lessons will consist of: English literature, English language, maths, science, R.E, Welsh, Welsh Bac, P.S.E, core P.E, drama, geography, French and I.T. Yay!!! I'm a little nervous for my GCSE year... Actually, I'm very nervous! I still feel like I should be in like year 4...

10. When I'm older I have no idea what I want to be. Well, I want to be an actress, but I know that's extremely difficult to become, so there's probably not a chance. I hope to go to an acting academy in London, but it's really hard to get into them... So overall, there are things I want to do when I'm older, they're just all really difficult.

11. I have a list on my phone of 437 books that I would like... Yes, I am aware it's a lot, but ever since I started that list, I cannot stop adding to it! It gets out of hand... I discover new books every day, therefore I add to it every day! I swear I don't have a book problem... Heehee...

And that is my Liebster Award!!! I hope I didn't bore you guys too much with all the rambling on... Now, I'm not going to tag eleven people because I'm a rebel! So I will just tag one person... and that is... Lauren from Pretty Things and Polka Dots!!!

And my questions:

1. What is your favourite season and why?
2. If you could own any animal, what would it be?
3. If your house was burning down, which book would you save?
4. What is your favourite hairstyle?
5. What was the first book you ever read?
6. If you could live in one fictional place for a year, where would it be?
7. What book is your guilty pleasure?
8. Who is your least favourite fictional character?
9. Favourite book series?
10. What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
11. What book would you recommend that everyone should read?

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